The surprises in life aren’t always what they seem. Sometimes they appear, at first, different than their true purpose.
At first, they may seem inconvenient, stressful, or worrisome.
But then something incredible happens. Once we allow ourselves to open up to possibilities within these surprises, we are blessed with the privilege to experience their true purpose and meaning.

Now, per my usual, let’s use my chickens as an example. Because so many life lessons are well pondered while sitting with your chickens❤️
Take our little Pipa here. She was a surprise to us, in a white egg layer mix I received from my most recent hatchery order.
I’ve never had a Polish hen before. She seems to be quite the high maintenance little lady and not fond of human interaction, despite my best efforts.

As it turns out, after I finally opened up to the possibility of Pipa’s place on our farm, she has been the absolute best companion for our very sweet older hen. Our older hen was unable to be a member of our regular flock without getting nearly bullied to death because she is unable to walk well.
You see, without crazy little surprise Pipa, our old gal (whose name is “Best Friend” …. courtesy of my boys) would not at all have had the chance to thrive as she has since we introduced her to Pipa, her new best friend.
Admittedly, I had considered rehoming Pipa…because, at first, she was a surprise inconvenience, and didn’t even possess a desirable personality as far as a pet chicken goes.
Well, as you probably gather, I’m so glad we were surprised with this crazy little high maintenance prissy pants. She’s quite the comic and adds to the already unique dynamic of our little farmstead just perfectly ❤️

If you’re faced with something unexpected in your life, do your best to be patient…and may you have the opportunity to see why it’s so worth it.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
-Romans 8:28-

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