$7.00 – $9.00
Classic, unbleached All-Purpose & Gluten Free Dehydrated Sourdough Starter Packet options!
A purchase that can last forever!
Classic, Unbleached All-Purpose Flour Sourdough Starter Packet & Gluten Free Sourdough Starter Packet Options!! Choose your type of Sourdough Starter when adding to cart!
Perfect for Beginners!!
Once reactivated, this one jar of our beloved Sourdough Starter will last for generations! Yes, you read that correctly! If cared for, your new Home on Magnolia Hill Sourdough Starter can live forever and is even considered a family heirloom!
**This item makes THE BEST GIFT for your friends and loved ones that have been dreaming of adopting the ways of sourdough**
***THE BEST Gift for your friends and loved ones of all ages! ***
**Packaged for 3 yr. shelf life if kept in original packaging; in a cool, dry, dark place**
Our happy & healthy Sourdough Starter was born and raised in South Louisiana and has been lovingly used to bake delicious breads and goodies for our entire family: English muffins, Dutch Baby pancakes, Starter Pizza Dough (our family’s favorite!) to name a few.
Wheat Flour Starter
-Ingredients: cultured, unbleached Hard Red Wheat Flour, Malted Barley Flour, & Filtered Water.
Gluten Free Starter
-Ingredients: Sweet White Rice Flour, Whole Grain Brown Rice Flour, Potato Starch, Whole Grain Sorghum Flour, Tapioca Flour, Xantham Gum, Filtered Water.
Our sourdough starter culture is very active, which makes it very trustworthy and exciting to use as a leaven for fantastic baked goods.
Having a sourdough starter in your own kitchen creates a very real sense of sustainability and stability that is irreplaceable. The first time you feed your starter and see those cultures teaming with life, the accomplishment and sense of ability you feel is so heartwarming….and it continues every single time you see those bubbles rise when you care for your starter, for years and years!!
I hope you and your family have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of having a Sourdough Starter in your home! You will not regret it!
Our Sourdough Starter is made fresh prior to shipping and is taken directly from our very own starter that we use to bake our favorites. When it arrives at your home, the Sourdough Starter will be dormant. Simply add a bit of water and flour, as described in the instructions below (which also come with your starter), and it will be ready for baking your favorite recipes in 1-2 days. Just save a bit of the starter after every time you bake bread, and it will last for years!
Every Home on Magnolia Hill’s Sourdough Starter Packet comes with:
– 1 oz labeled packet of our very own Loved and Cared for Sourdough Starter
– Instructions on how to reactivate and maintain your Sourdough Starter for years!
-Contact information for FREE Sourdough Starter Mentorship and guidance!
**Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Click HERE for Home on Magnolia Hill’s Shipping & Return Policies.
Follow these steps in order to bring your Home on Magnolia Hill Sourdough Starter to life and start baking delicious bread:
**Never use metal containers or utensils with your Sourdough Starter (it interferes with the cultures in the starter and may render it lower quality or ineffective). **
1. Empty contents of Sourdough Starter packet into your jar.
2. Add 2 oz. of lukewarm filtered water to jar and stir until sourdough starter chips are completely covered with water
3. Place lid loosely on jar (not airtight) and let starter sit for approximately 3 hours, stirring 4 times during those 3 hours.
4. Feed your starter: Once mixture is fairly smooth, add 2 oz. Flour and 2-3 oz. lukewarm filtered water into your jar. Your starter should be the consistency of thick pancake batter. Start with 2 oz. of water and, if needed, add a tsp. at a time until desired consistency.
5. Mix gently until all combined.
6. Cover jar loosely and place somewhere warm if you can (approximately 85 degrees) or room temperature is fine too (it may just take your starter a little longer to “wake up” in cooler temperatures, and that’s ok). There’s no set time for this step, but at least 24 hours.
7. Once you see a good many bubbles forming in your mixture, it’s time to feed your starter again. Add 2 oz. Flour & 2-3 oz. filtered water.
8. Mix gently and cover loosely again. Let sit at least 8-10 hours, you should see a lot of bubbles after 8-10 hrs.
9. Repeat Steps 7 & 8.
10. After the second 8-10 hours sit, you’re now the proud parent of a fully active, probiotic rich sourdough starter! Time to start a regular feeding regimen! Empty (aka Discard) all but 4 oz. of your active starter, replacing the 4 oz. you will keep back in your jar.
11. Add 4-6 oz. lukewarm filtered water and 6 oz. Unbleached All-Purpose Flour, mix gently until combined.
12. After your starter doubles in size, you have a few options: you can now use it in recipes, you can leave it on your counter and repeat steps 9 & 10 once daily, or you can store your starter in your refrigerator (sealed airtight in your jar) and repeat steps 9 & 10 once a week (once your starter reaches room temp out of the fridge) until you’re ready to bake.
Here’s a quick video, showing how I maintain my starter with regular feedings!
Additional information
Weight | .125 lbs |
Dimensions | 6 × 4 × .2 in |
Sourdough Starter Packet Options | Classic, Gluten Free |
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