PUREBRED nigerian dwarf dairy goats

Here, at Magnolia Hill Farm, we raise performance, home milker, and pet quality Nigerian Dwarf Goats with a specific focus on conformation, milk production, and longevity. As of 2023, we are now a dual registered herd through ADGA and AGS. We are proud to be active ANDDA members and an ADGA Plus Herd, utilizing ADGA's DHIR, Linear Appraisal, and their many resources to guide our breeding program and performance preparations. We also participate in AGS Advanced Registry DHIR program, with all of our does earning their *D for their 2023 lactations!
Along with focusing on ADGA guidelines, we are proud supporters and participants in local and national 4H programs and we strive to produce wonderful Nigerian Dwarf goats that are perfect for 4H projects as well as ADGA open shows and home milkers.
Our herd is a registered LA Bred Herd through the Louisiana Meat Goat Association; meaning all of our Nigerian Dwarf Goat kids born on our farm are eligible for "LA Bred" classes in 4H Livestock Competitions and other eligible LA Bred competitions.
Our Handmade Goat Milk Soap is now available in our online shop! All of our Artisan Goat Milk Soap is made with raw milk from our beautiful Nigerian Dwarf herd.
We have big plans!
While we progress through the 2024/2025 breeding & kidding season, with only one kidding planned for Spring 2025 (which we will likely retain), we are spending this time curating the very best stock and gaining loads of knowledge to boost our program to the next level!
2025/2026 will bring several long-planned AI breedings, several homebred doelings' first freshenings, and high hopes for vast improvements on our journey to checking all the boxes on the ADGA scorecard.
Stay tuned and make sure to check out our 2025/2026 Nigerian Dwarf Breeding Plans and Kidding Schedule here!
Made from our very own Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Herd's fresh, raw milk!
interested in buying a Magnolia Hill Farm Nigerian Dwarf?
Make sure to take a look at Magnolia Hill Farm's Policy and contact us using the form at the end of our Policy page or the contact form below!
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