Purebred Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats & Free-Range Laying Hens

Here, at Magnolia Hill Farm, we raise performance and pet quality Nigerian Dwarf Goats with a specific focus on body structure, milk production, and temperament. As of 2023, we are now a dual registered herd through ADGA and AGS. We are proud to be active ANDDA members and an ADGA Plus Herd, utilizing ADGA's DHIR, Linear Appraisal, and their many resources to guide our breeding program and performance preparations.
Along with focusing on ADGA guidelines, we are proud supporters and participants in local and national 4H programs and we strive to produce wonderful Nigerian Dwarf goats that are perfect for 4H projects as well as ADGA open shows and home milkers.
Our herd is a registered LA Bred Herd through the Lousiana Meat Goat Association; meaning all of our Nigerian Dwarf Goat kids born on our farm are eligible for "LA Bred" classes in 4H Livestock Competitions and other eligible LA Bred competitions.
Also, Handmade Goat Milk Soap is now available in our online shop! All of our Artisan Goat Milk Soap is made with raw milk from our beautiful Nigerian Dwarf herd.
You can visit our Nigerian Dwarf Farm Page and meet our herd by clicking HERE!
We also raise and care for our Free-Range Laying Hen Flock, focusing on our custom nutrition program and natural practices to optimize our poultry's health and egg quality. Our fresh, Free-Range farm eggs are available for purchase by contacting us here, through our website or social pages, as well as Calvin's Bocage Market in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Check out our Laying Hen Flock information page by clicking HERE!